
More to this life

Okay. I got the title of this posting from Steve Curtis Chapman's "More To This Life" song. I'm not trying to steal his line. Listen to his song. You'll like it. Enough for the plug.

I believe there's more to this life than just waking up everyday and going along life's predicaments. Yes, life can be brutal and unforgiving, but just realizing the fact that there is more to be thankful for than just griping and complaining about every single thing should be enough to free someone from going absolutely insane. During breakfast this morning, I told my wife that I'm glad I didn't wake up worrying where to get the next meal, or feeling depressed due to a job loss, or feeling more depressed because my doctor has revealed that I have an incurable disease. My point is that we complain and worry about so many things that we tend to overlook the blessings that we already have, such as good health, our children, our families, our jobs - even if it's less desirable, thank God you can bring home a paycheck, house, cars, food, etc.

Just by realizing this small thing, it's good enough to get me through the day without being a grouch in the end. Life's miseries and unfortunate events will always be there waiting for us with welcoming arms. I just take a different path and hug someone close to my heart.

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