
I'm Baaaack!

I can't believe this blog still exists after three years of abandonment! I thought it got deleted or suspended due to inactivity by Blogger. I was doing some housekeeping on my Yahoo inbox this evening when I stumbled upon a password reset request from the site. Funny I never received an alert telling me to log in and keep blogging otherwise they'll report me to the Lazy Bloggers Police. Oh well, I'm back a few pounds heavier (thanks to late night cravings) and still sporting a shiny dome (it's pretty hopeless at this stage to have a mohawk).

So much has happened during my 3-year hiatus and it's going to take me a trip to the moon and back to catch up, however, I will try to include bits and pieces of it in my future posts. As you can see from the picture, Nate has a baby brother now. His name is Jonah Rei.